Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday October 30th, 2009.

Thank you to the parents who sent treats to school on Friday!! Thank you to Madison S's mom who sent candy apples and cupcakes. Thank you to Ben's mom for the bones and thank you to Jaden's mom for the cake eyeballs. The kids enjoyed the treats very much. They were all very fantastic and unique!!!

This week was a very short week for me since I was sick for most of it. Being sick isn't fun for anyone and we need to work together to keep our classsroom healthy. Please remind your child to wash his/her hands regularly. Children may bring hand sanitizer to keep in their desks. If your child is bringing a waterbottle to school, please remind them to bring it home so that you can wash it. Germs are everywhere and I am constantly telling the kids to keep their fingers out of their noses and mouths. If your child is sick, please keep them at home. We don't want to be spreading anymore germs. We will be reviewing proper handwashing techniques in the classroom and discussing germs and how they spread to make kids more conscience of their actions.

Next week is November. We are going to be starting a new unit on magnets and our new PWIM picture will be arriving shortly!!! The kids are very excited to see'll see why next week!!!!

I hope that you all had a happy and safe Halloween.

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